The Ghost of The Allen House -
In Monticello, Arkansas, businessman Joe Lee Allen built the Allen House in 1907. His daughter, Ladell, drank mercury cyanide-laced punch in the home’s master suite on Dec. 26, 1948. She died oneweek later. Her mother sealed off the room and no one entered the room for almost four decades. The house was converted into apartments in 1956. Tenants would tell stories about hazy figures and furniture being inexplicably rearranged. Many people reported seeing a lady sitting in a turret window.
Years later, in the 21st Century, the home was purchased and renovated. Almost immediately the family began noticing a woman, randomly, throughout the house. Then the residents began to notice objects being moved, lights being turned off and on, and locked doors opening on their own.
The father in this family was working on clearing out the attic one evening. He found stashed behind the wall/floor....all letters between Ladell and her married lover. No one ever knew she was in love. He decided to stay with his wife. Ladell was so distraught, she killed herself but only after hiding all her love letters. It is sad that her family, her loved ones never knew.
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